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Image by Sharon McCutcheon

Accessibility Projects

UX Design & Accessibility & Coding

A UX Design and Research thesis project for which I coded a website that can help people understand and learn web accessibility guidelines through their experience on inaccessible sites.

Laptop screen with Web Accessibility Experience website on it with a spider and a web on the right

Accessibility & Fabrication

A physical computing project where I and Wendy Wang built an accessible maze game with sounds for people with visual impairment using a joystick, Arduino, C++, and p5.

Green maze with yellow circle at the top left corner & blue rectangle at the bottom right corner

UX Research & Accessibility

A UX Research project where I and a team were solving a client's problem of inaccessible customer services on shopping websites by conducting user and legal research, and usability testing.

Access Shopper logo by Peri Finkelstein, black hanger with colorful bar code

Accessibility & Fabrication

A fabrication project where I built a music box using cardboard, ArduinoC++, and light sensors with people with dexterity and fine motor skills issues in mind.

Music box made out of cardboard with Happy Birthday phrase on it and 4 paper tubes at the top
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